Tuesday 20 June 2017

Annual report can reveal the secrets a company wants to hide: Here's how to uncover - Economic Times 19 Jun 17

The annual report is a bulky document, sometimes running into 180-200 pages. Experts say one should read the full document.

People who invest on the basis of tips are investing blindly. But even investors who study the fundamentals of companies before buying stocks usually restrict the research to basic details such as revenues, net profit, earnings per share (EPS) and price to earnings ratio (PE ratio). This information is available in the quarterly numbers declared by companies, so most investors don’t feel it necessary to read the bulky annual report that comes once in a year. However, experts say that reading annual reports is necessary because they contain a lot of information that is not available otherwise. “Reading annual reports becomes an advantage because very few people do it,” says Nilesh Shah, Managing Director, Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund.

Read it in full
The annual report is a bulky document, sometimes running into 180-200 pages. Experts say one should read the full document. “Investors should go through each line of the annual report,” says Daljeet S. Kohli, Director & Head of Research, India Nivesh Securities. To begin with, focus on the first part of the report. “Most companies give financial highlights of the past 10 years. While these numbers may not be of much use to institutional investors, they are useful for retail investors to understand how the company has grown in the past,” says Anand Shah, Deputy CEO & CIO, BNP Paribas Mutual Fund. “Read the notice because it gives lot of information and sets the agenda of the annual general meeting. Investors should also read the chairman’s speech that gives a clear vision about the future and the directors’ report (along with management discussion and analysis) which explains current business structure before going to the net profit figure,” says Deven Choksey, Managing Director, KR Choksey Securities.

Other experts also highlight the importance of the management discussion. “The management discussion tells where the company is headed in future,” says Kunj Bansal, Executive Director & CIO, Centrum Capital. “Management commentary is very important because they usually talk about plans for the next 3-5 years,” says Anand Shah of BNP Paribas Mutual Fund. Investors should also read notes to accounts, schedules, cash flow statements, etc also because they give information in more detail.

Companies with large cash flows
A large cash flow from operating activities is a healthy sign and shows that all is well with the company

Investors should question if the profit is not supported by cash from operations.

Deciphering the numbers
Investors also need to understand the difference between what the company says and what it means. “While some companies tell outright lies, others tell truths that are convenient to them. Since no company is going to tell the whole truth, you should be able to read between lines,” says Nilesh Shah. However, the average investor may find it difficult to read an annual report in detail and understand it in its entirety. Here are a few key points that an investor needs to look at.

Continuity is key
Continuity is an important parameter. Compare each figure with that of the previous years to get an idea of how the company has done. “If any figure is significantly higher or lower than that of previous years, investors need to delve deeper. Don’t assume that something is wrong, but certainly check the reasons behind this deviation,” says Kohli. “There should also be continuity and coherence between all parts of annual reports. For example, the numbers in the other parts of the annual report should match those mentioned in the chairman’s speech or directors’ report,” says Nilesh Shah. There can be instances where the management says the industry and the company are doing well, but the company has reported lacklustre revenue and net profit growth. Similarly, management might have talked about the successful capacity addition, but the same is not reflected in the sales volume. If there is a deviation, you need to understand the reasons behind it.

Is the sales real?
Companies declare sales figures in their quarterly results. But are these sales real? Several sales based ratios (market cap to revenues) are used for valuations. The first check is to add up sales of the four quarters to see if they match the annual sales figure. Checking sales growth with that of increase in debt is another way. “If the debt is also rising with the sales, it may mean the company is buying sales (giving away goods without bothering to collect money,” says Bansal of Centrum Capital. Also check the notes of account to make sure that the company follows conservative accounting policies. This is especially true when you deal with real estate companies which are allowed to have more flexible revenue recognition rules. “It is better if real estate companies recognise revenues after completing the project. But most companies follow percentage completion method to smoothen out sales and net profit,” says Viraj Mehta, Head & Fund Manager, Equirus PMS. When you compare the sales figures of two real estate companies, make sure that you are making an apple to apple comparison.

Is the profit real?
Just like sales, you also need to cross check the net profit figure because price to earnings (PE) ratio is the most commonly used valuation tool. Companies manipulate the profit figure by providing for excessive (or even less) depreciation. While quarterly numbers give just a consolidated figure, annual reports give a detailed breakup of the depreciation provided for each asset. The depreciation provided should be reasonable. Be alert if there is a sudden increase or decrease in the depreciation figure. “If a company is providing 10 years of depreciation for computers, it is a clear case of inflating the profit,” says Nilesh Shah. Research and development (R&D) expenses is another head that needs close verification. “Ideally, the R&D expenses should be written off in that financial year itself. However, companies usually capitalise it and then write it off over a period of time. It’s a red flag if the write off period is more than four years,” says Mehta of Equirus. Capitalising interest (instead of showing it as expense, it is added to the cost of project) is another strategy used by companies. Some even capitalise the mark to market losses on forex positions on loans taken for buying assets and usually add this loss to the loans. Another trick to inflate profit is by avoiding the profit and loss account altogether and taking expenses directly to the balance sheet. “Investors should raise a red flag if companies deduct some big expenses directly from the reserves, instead of showing it in profit and loss account,” says Jaspreet Singh Arora, Senior Vice-President, Systematix Shares & Stocks.

The relationship between the profit declared and the tax paid can also generate some hints about the quality of profits. “Investors need to verify whether the company has paid proper tax after declaring high profit,” says Nilesh Shah. Here again, don’t assume wrongdoing by companies because it may be because of some tax incentives given by the government. For example, infrastructure major Adani Ports enjoys several tax benefits. Indian law allows companies to have separate books for investors and for income tax department and that is another reason for this anomaly.

Companies with low tax outgo as % of profit
A low tax outgo is not always a sign of something amiss. The company may be eligible for certain tax breaks offered by the government to some sectors.

Investors should question if the tax paid is not in sync with its net profit.

Should companies provide for the disputed demands such as excise duty, sales tax, income tax and water tax or show them only as contingent liabilities? Most companies take the conservative view and provide now and show as gain in year if the verdict comes in their favour. However, there are also cases where the companies decide to keep these as contingent liabilities till the final verdict is out. The Orient Paper annual report for 2015-16 shows an accumulated contingent liability of Rs 206.57 crore as against its cash and bank balance of Rs 59.15 crore and net profit of Rs 21.35 crore for the year.

Companies use Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) to motivate the employees to perform better and improve shareholders’ value. While ESOP creates a sense of belonging and ownership amongst the employees, it can create computation of net profit difficult. Companies in India usually use ‘intrinsic value method’ for determining the cost of ESOP. For example, if a company grants right to buy shares at Rs 100 after 3 years against the current market price of Rs 150, the cost of that ESOP is treated as Rs 50 (Rs 150 minus Rs 100). The ‘fair value method’, on the other hand, uses advanced option pricing models like Black-Scholes model and takes into account the various other factors like time value, interest rate, volatility, dividend yield etc.

Since these two computations are different, the impact on net profit can be significant. This detail will be given in the ‘Notes to Accounts’ section. Investors must consider outstanding ESOPs while computing earnings per share (EPS). While EPS is computed normally with the existing outstanding number of shares, one needs to consider the outstanding ESOPs (ie which will become shares in future) also for correct computation. Companies provide these details (total number of shares, including ESOPs, for computing diluted EPS) in their annual reports.

Companies with large revaluation reserve
Since valuation tools use the company’s net worth as the denominator, make sure that the value given out in the balance sheet is a fair one.

Investors should remove revaluation reserve and goodwill while computing net worth.

Cash is king
As the old idiom says, ‘revenue is vanity, profit is sanity and cash is reality’. Since cash is king, cross check the net profit with that of cash generated. Since Sebi has made cash flow statement mandatory for listed companies, this information is readily available in the annual report. “If there is no cash flow behind profit, the company will get into trouble in the future,” says Anand Shah. The best way here is to compare the net profit with that of cash from operations (see the list of BSE 100 companies with large cash from operations). Analysts now closely track a parameter called free cash flow (FCF). It is computed by bringing in capital expenditure (such as investments in buildings or property, plant and equipment, etc) also (ie free cash flow = operating cash flow – capital expenditures). While free cash flow is good, be careful when it comes to companies generating very high free cash flow and not distributing the same to shareholders through higher dividends or share buybacks. “Most differ foreign companies with high FCF use it to pay dividends or buy back, but that is not frequent in India. Independent directors should add more value in this,” says A. Balasubrahmanian, CEO, Birla Mutual Fund.

Similarly, companies with negative FCF are not bad either. They may be in the initial phase of growth (ie setting up large plants for future growth). So, don’t assume that something is wrong if there is a big divergence between profit and cash generation and as mentioned earlier, investors need to question and understand the difference between profit and cash flow.

Is the net worth real?
Since several valuation tools like price to book (PB) ratio use the company’s net worth as the denominator, investors should make sure that the value given out in the balance sheet is a fair one. “Ideally, reserves should be built from accumulated profits. But some companies have the habit of inflating the reserves by revaluing the assets. So investors should avoid revaluation reserves while computing net worth,” says Balasubrahmanian. Goodwill is another asset that gets into the books due to mergers and acquisition activity (see table for BSE 100 companies with large revaluation reserves + goodwill).

Here again, this is allowed by the law, but investors need to look at the true future potential of the company and a large balance sheet size due to revaluation doesn’t generate that confidence. Companies try to show balance sheet strength by not providing some possible liabilities. For example, the balance sheet of PSU banks will look totally different if all the non performing assets (NPAs) were written off. Similarly, the balance sheet of most PSUs will shrink significantly if one accounts for the possible pension liability in future.

Related party transactions
Most Indian companies are family owned. Investors must scan annual reports for any related party transactions, which may be in conflict with the interest of minority shareholders. There are several cases of related party transactions like goods sold or bought from entities owned by directors, subsidiary borrowing and giving it to parent or vice versa, etc. The recent proposal for transfer of JK House to family members of Raymond promoters was mentioned in the notes to accounts of the company’s annual report. The proposal, which sought to transfer apartments at 10% of the prevailing market price, came up for voting at the AGM on 5 June. The promoters, being interested parties, abstained from voting on this matter and shareholders voted against the resolution. If approved by shareholders, the loss to the company could have been around Rs 650 crore.

Raymond’s annual report had mentioned the proposal to sell JK House to family members of the promoters. Investors should watch out for such red flags.

Commenting on the development, Gautam Hari Singhania, Chairman and Managing Director said, “I am happy with the outcome of voting against the resolution as this decision by shareholders is in the best interest of the company and shareholders and is aligned to my personal opinion on this issue expressed earlier. Protecting shareholders interest is of paramount importance to me.”

Though things ended happily at the AGM, experts are not amused. “Not able to understand the logic of the chairman’s action He first proposed the land sale for shareholders’ approval and then welcomed the voting down of the same by shareholders. If the same was against investor interest, this proposal should have been rejected at the board meet itself,” says a Mumbai based mutual fund manager.

Management salary
“Investors need to watch out for the management remuneration. It is a red flag if the remuneration is very high,” says Mehta of Equirus PMS.

Recently, Infosys co-founders have raised the issue of high salaries to some management personnel because they had access to the information. However, retail investors need to wait till the arrival of annual report to get this information. There is nothing wrong if the top management is paid according to market rates. However, investors need to be worried if the top management is extracting significant funds in the form of salary and commissions. Since the Companies Act restricts total remuneration of management personal to 10%, investors can use any payment above 5% as the red flag. Balakrishna Industries is a good case of it crossing this 5% mark.

Monday 12 June 2017

Top 5 rules to handpick stocks which could turn out to be multibaggers: Ashish Chugh

Top 5 rules to handpick stocks which could turn out to be multibaggers: Ashish Chugh

India could be a bright spot and the FII inflows can, not just sustain but accelerate in the coming years.

One has to understand that multibaggers are not there from Day 1, they evolve over a period of time – that's why we call them "Potential" Multibaggers, Ashish Chugh of Hidden Gems Advisory, said in an exclusive interview with Kshitij Anand of Moneycontrol.
Q) How are the markets looking?
A) Frankly, I don't look at the markets on a day to day basis. And, I have figured out that it does not help figuring out what the markets are going to do the next day - I think it is a waste of time.
It makes more sense to understand the business dynamics and to figure out which companies and businesses will do well in the coming years. It does help to visualise this for a longer period rather than the next quarter.
Q) I know you won't talk about stocks in particular but if you can tell us the sectors you are bullish on & the investment themes you are working on currently?
A) My approach to stock picking is bottoms up & not top down. However, long-term potential of the sector surely is one of the considerations.
a) I have found out most of my multibaggers at times when the stocks were beaten well below their intrinsic worth and to abysmally low levels, on the back of certain short-term negatives.
b) One common characteristic of all stocks that have turned multibaggers is a significant growth in Sales. Growth is, therefore, a very important parameter - a value stock will otherwise remain a Value stock unless there is growth in the company.
c) I am on the lookout currently for companies where Capex is done in the last five years, the capex has not started yielding results because of factors like - not adequate demand or teething startup problems.
The profits would be lower today (compared to a scenario if they had not done any capex) because of higher depreciation & interest cost & hence lower Investor interest in the stocks. This enables me to buy the stock at lower levels.
However, my thesis is that as and when the demand pick up happens or the teething issues get resolved, revenues could go up & profitability could shoot up substantially due to operating leverage.
d) I am looking for stocks in sectors where the demand pick up can happen - ancillaries to Housing, Infrastructure, Building material & Rural plays etc. I am looking for select plays in Cement & E-commerce space, of course in the microcap segment.
e) I am also looking at few companies with great brand and brand recall, which were not doing well because of change in dynamics of their business - some of them may be restructuring and reinventing their business models. Am keeping an eye on such opportunities.
Q) Indian markets are at an all-time high and in many terms it as a liquidity driven rally, do you see foreign investors putting more money into the Indian markets?
A) India is undergoing a revolutionary change currently - something we have not witnessed since a very long time. Corruption, Black money, inefficiencies in the system had become an integral part of our lives ; first time there has been a serious effort by any government to challenge the existing system and to change it.
Demonetisation; GST are steps which will change the way we transact and will bring in more transparency, reduce corruption and generation of black money and hopefully lead to increased efficiencies.
There are going to be teething problems on the way to this and this will take a few years to get fully streamlined though - so no quick fixes for our problems & changing the eco system which was built over decades.
I feel once the impact of these measures and many more changes that the government is envisaging starts coming, India could be one of the world's fastest growing economies.
India could, therefore, be a bright spot and the FII inflows can, not just sustain but accelerate in the coming years. Why just Foreign Money - with Real Estate & Gold in stagnation/ downturn and with FD Rates becoming unattractive, even flows from Resident Indians into Equities can also increase substantially in the future.
Q) I know you've been doing Microcap & smallcap investing all these years, What are the important things an investor should consider in microcap/smallcap investing?
A) First of all, it is important to understand 'Who You Are' & 'What kind of Temperament' do you have. You have to figure out whether you are cut out for microcap investing or not.
Microcap Investing & Multibaggers sounds fascinating; however, you have to figure out whether you can see your stock underperform the markets for years and whether at the back of this underperformance, can you develop the conviction to hold the stock.
How does your mind get swayed due to stock price movements? Microcaps are highly illiquid stocks with very high impact cost & in bear markets, you may have to see your stock trade even 50% lower than buying price - how would you react to such a scenario.
I have seen some of my stocks fall 30-40% from my buying price & then go up 5-10X times from there. I could have well sold out in panic, missing all the returns later.
In such a scenario, it is important to focus on the business and its direction rather than let your mind get swayed by stock price movements.
The other important thing is Risk Management - if you have learnt to manage your risk, 75% of the job well done. Remember, Equity Investing is all about Probabilities & Risk Management - no certainties here.
Focus on valuations is the key to risk management. Also, you can't work with target prices in microcap investing - here you have to focus on the process rather than the outcome.
One has to understand that Multibaggers are not there from Day 1, they evolve over a period of time – that's why we call them "Potential" Multibaggers.
Also, it is prudent to invest in a basket of stocks - allocation of capital may depend upon conviction levels, visibility of earnings & Valuation parameters; however, the important thing is to diversify (and at the same time not over diversify).
Q) Management as we all know is a very important factors in any company. However, the fact is that most smallcap companies are run by managements where not much is known or written about in public domain? In such a scenario, how does one identify a good management?
A) Well, this is the tough part in microcap investing. You are right that these are mainly managements where not much information is available in public domain. However, if you go through the past of the company (not a few quarters but few years), you can get vital clues about the management.
The important thing to first understand is what constitutes a good management - I think this is one subject I believe is grossly misunderstood. I think in most cases (not all), it is nothing more than a perception which changes with the Stock price.
Most analysts link good managements to the stock prices of their companies - I am talking this from my experience of last many years. What I experienced is that when these stocks were trading at low valuations & low prices, there was not much interest of analysts and brokerages & these were brushed off as companies with management issues.
If everything else in the company looks OK & the management does not talk to the analyst or conduct Investor or Analyst concalls, such managements were labelled as being Investor unfriendly.
When the price moves up 5 to 10X from those levels, you start seeing analyst reports & suddenly the management quality would start looking good.
For me, a good management is one who is focussed on the business - Has skin in the game aka high promoters stake - allocates capital diligently - shares the wealth with Investors in the form of share buybacks & dividends.
Even companies which may not pay dividends (because of high Dividend distribution tax) but uses the earnings for regular Capex & scaling up a business without Equity dilutions. This too enhances shareholders value.
I think not making impressive investor presentations or not conducting Investor Meets and concalls are factors which are unimportant for judging a management as far as I am concerned.

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Sunday 11 June 2017

How to survive a stock market crash (Source IIFL)

Stock markets are at an all-time high and investors who had remained invested in blue chip stocks have made huge profits and are smiling their way to their banks. There is a talk of the party continuing till the BSE benchmark index reaches the milestone of 35,000. Lured by the prospect of making a quick buck in this bull market, investors are flocking to the bourses to join the party. So far, so good, but you never know. What if the markets come tumbling down? That’s a million (or billion?) dollar question that investors need to ponder at the moment.

If you are invested in the equity market and plan to remain invested till the Sensex reaches 35,000 here’s a survival guide just in case the market comes crashing down in the near future and all hell breaks loose:
First and foremost, do not to hit the panic button and sell out; instead, the need is to stay calm and take the fall in your stride. After all, what goes up will come down someday, and then again go up, so do the markets. The markets are cyclical in nature and the rise and fall in the markets are nothing unusual.
In fact, if you are a long term investor, you need to take advantage of the falling market to bring the cost of acquisition of your stocks down. This is called the strategy of rupee cost averaging. Only a falling market offers such an opportunity, and if you adopt this strategy, you would be making higher profits when the market goes up once again. In fact, you can also take this opportunity to buy value stocks as in a bear market the valuations of good companies also get beaten down along with junk stocks. Also, you can buy non-cyclical stocks of companies whose businesses are of non-cyclical nature, such as FMCG, food, power, gas, among others, as the demand for their products keeps rising regardless of stock market cycles.
You need to play dead in a bear market, which is like playing dead when you suddenly encounter a huge bear in a jungle. In the financial jungle, playing dead means putting your money in debt instruments, be it bonds, debentures, government securities, bank deposits, etc.
If you have a diversified portfolio of investments that includes other asset classes such as debt, bullion, real estate, etc. it will help mitigate the risk of equity exposure. A proper asset allocation will help you to cushion the financial impact of a crash in the equity market. Your equity exposure should only be to the extent of your ability to sustain losses.

Saturday 10 June 2017

Debt Funds, better investment than Fixed Deposits? डेब्ट फंड, एफ डी से एक बेहतर निवेश

What are Debt Funds?
Among other types of Mutual Funds, Debt Funds are one which mainly invest in a mix of debt or fixed income securities such as Treasury Bills, Government Securities, Corporate Bonds, etc. The returns of a debt mutual fund comprises of Interest income and capital appreciation / depreciation in the value of the security due to changes in market dynamics.

डेब्ट फंड होते क्या हैं?
डेब्ट फंड भी एक प्रकार के म्युचुअल फंड होते हैं जो मूलत: निश्चित आय वाले साधनों में जैसे बॉंड, ट्रेजरी बिल्स आदि में निवेश करते हैं। डेब्ट फंड में लाभ ब्याज और मूल्य वर्धन (capital appreciation) से होता हैं।

For investors with conservative approach, low risk profile and necessity of regular income, Debt Funds and Fixed Deposits are most suitable instruments for investment. Where Fixed Deposits provides a fixed return and Debt Funds have fluctuating returns but Debt Funds provides that edge of additional benefits over fixed deposits because of their following characteristics:

जो निवेशक कम जोखिम के साथ एक निश्चित आय चाहते हैं उनके लिए एफडी और डेब्ट फंड दोनों ही उचित साधन हैं। एफडी एक लाभ देती हैं पर डेब्ट फंड में थोड़ा उतार चढ़ाव होता हैं, इसके बावजूद डेब्ट फंड के अपने फायदे हैं।

Investor usually have to deposit a lump sum amount at inception and then it would locked in for the tenure of FD. Debt mutual funds are more flexible. Investors can do SIPs, STPs and SWPs in debt mutual funds. Investors can switch between the schemes in same or different fund categories in same fund house.

एपडी में निवेशक को एकमुश्त राशि एक समय सीमा के लिए जमा करनी पड़ती हैं। लेकिन डेब्ट फंड फ्लेक्जिबल होते हैं। निवेशक डेब्ट फंड में SIPs, STPs या SWPs के जरिये पैसा लगा सकता हैं और इसके अलावा उसी फंड हाउस के दूसरे फंड में निवेश बदलने की आजादी भी होती हैं।

Debt mutual funds historically, in long term (2-3 years), have given higher returns than fixed deposits. For example current FD rates are 6.50% p.a. whereas Debt Funds shows a historical record of return at 11 - 16% p.a. In addition, post-tax returns of debt funds is also higher than interest rates of FDs.

डेब्ट फंड से अब तक एक लंबी समयावधी के निवेश पर अच्छा मुनाफा मिला हैं। जैसे कि अभी बैंक एफडी पर ब्याज दर 6.5% हैं परंतु पिछले सालों के रिकार्ड के अनुसार डेब्ट फंड पर मुनाफा 16% सालाना रहा हैं। इसके अलावा डेब्ट फंड पर टैक्स के बाद नेट रिटर्न भी ज्यादा होता हैं।

When it comes to liquidity, definitely open ended debt funds have an edge over fixed deposits. They are more flexible and allowed investors to invest and redeem, fully or partially, at any time. Of course, exit load is levied if withdrawal is made before 1 year but this doesn't apply to liquid funds.

नकद तरलता
यहा पर भी डेब्ट फंड बाजी मार लेते हैं। डेब्ट फंड में निवेशक पुरा या जितनी जरुरत हो उतना पैसा निकालने की आजादी पाता हैं। एफडी में अकाउंट पुरी तरह से बंद करने पर ही पैसा निकाला जा सकता हैं। यह जरुर है कि डेब्ट फंड से एक साल से पहले पैसा निकालने पर साधारणतः 1% की दर से एक्जिट लोड लगता है पर एफडी में यह दर इससे ज्यादा हो सकती हैं।

Last but not the least Debt funds are tax efficient compared to FDs in long term. On Debt funds, capital gain tax at 20% applies after 3 years of holding period. But tax is calculated after indexation on capital gains. No such benefit is available on FDs. Interest income from FDs is taxable on accrual basis. Below table shows easy comparison:

और आखिर में सबसे जरुरी पहलू – टैक्स। इस मामले मे डेब्ट फंड्स, एफडी से ज्यादा फायदेमंद होते हैं। डेब्ट फंड पर तीन साल की होल्डिंग के बाद सिर्फ़ 20% कैपिटल गैन लगता हैं, वो भी इंडेक्सेशन के बाद। निम्न तालिका इसका उदाहरण दर्शाती हैं: